Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sympathy Qoutes For Cancer Patient

Needless to say, Let's dream

Leo, without leaving my amazement , which publishes the Cadena Ser today

Extremadura PP president in the Senate truant and go cruising.

The PP senator and president of Extremadura, José Antonio Monago, has gone on holiday to the Greek islands before the session ends Senate


07/07/2010 Senator and chairman of the PP Extremadura, José Antonio Monago, has decided to take a vacation before the end of the session. has been seen on a Greek island cruise but Tuesday and Wednesday are full in the upper house .

Monago has decided to take a short break in the final stretch of the political, despite the insistence of his party for months to July was considered a working day in order to work.

On Tuesday, the popular spokesman in the Assembly of Extremadura, Teresa Kok, Monago denied that I was on vacation.

Monago his party would be justified in claiming that his absence was reserved a Greek island cruise for a month and a half and the topics in sessions in the Senate were not overly important , which has not sat well among the Socialists from Extremadura.

Among the items on the agenda for this Wednesday is the study of the opinions it has provided the Congress on the draft law which provides for the transfer of state taxes to each of the regions, among which Extremadura lies.

I will not bother to look into this, so, as she said Schuster:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Getting Phentermine In The Uk Is Impossible!

nothing Badajoz

Yesterday, facing a huge map that I got from Badajoz (" for you to learn well street names), could not help but dream about what our city can be.

When I was in June Convention, I heard two ideas to which I have taken many turns. The first is that Badajoz urgently needed a plan for long-term future . Plan carefully what we want for our city in the coming years and how we carry it out. The second was that Badajoz was becoming a huge city , which touched 200,000 inhabitants between the city and surrounding villages, where sometimes can not distinguish where they end and begin each other.

A city so large that means that this plan long-term future has to involve create a different city model . Those who read me know that I have always invested heavily in creating bike lanes, fill these avenues we have, and offer these advantages to renting and parking, facing not only ease congestion but also to promote environmental health and Badajoz.

But this is only a small part. Why not dream? could create a financial city in the area to the left of the entrance to the Bridge Real Sinforiano. In a few months we will have our first skyscraper there, will he be the last? Why not create museums outdoor sculptures in some streets? Value added . Or design an insulated enclosure offering to all those young people who want to make a truly gifted bottle for it? Why not fully restored once the Alcazaba ? We could create there a great cultural center with exhibitions throughout the year. What weekly concerts with a fixed stage during the summer in the Plaza Mayor , To raise awareness of new groups? Add value to our heritage. We do not end. Can we create a history museum Badajoz, where we learn what happened in this city, and as our greatest living? And speaking of our elders, in 20 years the population will have almost tripled. Should not we be thinking already how to make life more comfortable ? Services, support and comfort. More and better homes , given that they have at them. And we can keep dreaming. Music festivals, a new Municipal Theatre, ... We do what we want, because the future will write us.

Friends, dreaming is necessary. It takes dreamers, who dream of cities for the future, because a city that aspires to be great can not stop at just build blocks and blocks of flats. It adds nothing new. That does not give life to a city, just wide. And I do not want to stay in a simple extension . What I want is that when someone is brought up to live in Badajoz think of the great cultural offerings that are going to offer the quality services you will provide, employment opportunities and personal development that will be available.

Let's dream together.