Sunday, October 31, 2010

Does Shingles Causes Heart Palpitations

risk: are we well?

crisis seems that destroys everything in its path. Forms, values, decency, correction ... How can you explain that this week in Spain we have to listen to these three news?:

1. Mayor Valladolidid joking uncouth on the " Lips" of the Minister of Health Leire Pajin .

2. Professor Arturo Perez Reverte Moratinos calling "a perfect shit" , and mourn this sad to leave his post.

3. The writer also Sanchéz Dragó boasting that she slept with two "sluts " 13 years and that also the crime had expired.

What's happening? These three people as seemingly different, are not. The three share a particular way of seeing the world, a way to ruin and certainly evil. And they are not alone, belong to a wider population spectrum, a spectrum where anything goes is standard. Where do you hide behind your freedom of expression to oust the honor and dignity of others. Where fuck girls is a symbol of male bravado, instead of a nasty crime.

I stay with the ruling that gave Wyoming on Drago: "The crime has lapsed, but does not prescribe what is never to be a scoundrel . "

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Unlock My Netgear Router

sirens are also in the ponds. Halloween

A Unnur likes to get out of the dark pond in which he lives to be caressed by the rays of the sun, while toads and salamanders observed, with envy, its delicate beauty.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Motion Detector Battery Lights

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Naseptin Nasal Cream To Buy

Is Spain a nation of nations? Stalin and the terror

Today I was reading this article Ibarra on nationalism, by the way of a manifesto signed by some socialist leaders said that Spain is a nation of nations. I would like I bring forth your opinion, the truth is that I am starting to get a little tired of the eternal dilemma English, ie what is Spain?

How many nations in the nation of nations?

I have not always coincided with Felipe Gonzalez, but we have always maintained a loyalty policy staff and bombproof. In the last lecture I gave in Madrid before leaving the presidency of the Junta de Extremadura, Philip had a few words full of meaning and affection towards those who had collaborated with him, from my responsibilities institutional and party, which he said, referring to an unfounded cleaning of the old guard, the only person who would have had reason to opt out of the core leadership of the PSOE, would have been him when, as secretary general, enduring my disagreements with the political line he represented.

did not, because Philip was always able to live with dissent and criticism their task in the PSOE and the direction of the Government of Spain. Also, I add, because I knew, and know that my position would respond and respond to a way of understanding socialism from a territory that had historically been marginalized as none, and because my loyalty to her figure, which represented and what meant for Spain and for socialism was and is irrevocable.

always thought that Philip was a revolution, because revolution was to give pensions to so many people who had not, after years of working in appalling conditions without anyone having paid contributions for that work to Social Security. Revolution was to prevent children especially those in rural areas leave school at age 11 to get into the field or go to emigration. Revolution was to end the charitable health and go for a universal healthcare system, free and quality education for all English citizens whatever their income level or their geographical location. Only inhabitants of rural communities know what it has meant leaving the tail of the doctor's house to be integrated into health areas and treated at health centers. And revolutionary was to develop, finally, the Spain diverse and decentralized as no one had ever imagined since the territorial identity made an appearance on the political scene national.

know and I know the political thought of Felipe Gonzalez in the latter subject and so I was greatly surprised to read in an article published in these pages in July, signed by him and by the Minister Chacón, Spain is a nation of nations. confess that my surprise was comparable to what could have experienced a Christian who, after a lifetime of believing in the existence of one true God, the Pope of Rome has announced that it was all a lie and that God does not exist . It was the idea of \u200b\u200bSpain that I had drawn from my experience, my reading and my conversations with other English, and fundamentally Philip.

I do not know the reasons or motives that led Philip to write that. You have the right to speak his mind and, above all, to change his mind if that were the case. And it may or may not agree with that thought, provided that explicit and debated within the PSOE, because we are not talking about a trivial matter. In my opinion, Spain, after the course of 32 years, was not what the Constitution says or foulbrood is. Maybe it's better or worse, but is something I can at this time. In the definition of Spain that I have noted, it is now added to Nation nations that at least requires discussion, reasoned and explicit.

How many nations within the English nation? Galician nationalists have taken note of the Catalan political nation and lend themselves to raise the flag of the Galician nation . guess that will not go two months without that Basque nationalists claim the same concept to what already is a country. And from there, and of experience, almost everyone will want to emulate the definition, as happened with the region and nationality.

I am not afraid of that new national and territorial defining, on condition that made explicit what the whole and what is the role of the parties. In short, who have the courage to define the model that everyone defends and says that if the end result is federalism, asymmetrical federalism, confederalism or any other model you want. But that is absolutely clear and explicit!, And so will others the opportunity to comply or fight.

What is irrelevant is that steps are being made is not known what direction and depending on the situation because, in addition to bewilder, we continue to lose energy in endless debate that ends up boring, were it not that we are playing with something as serious as trying to know what the hell are we in this holy country.

I still argue that each English feel as he wants, or wants, you do not feel English at all. That's not my problem.

My concern is whether each one is willing to stay on the premises that make it recognizable political choice in which military or that identifies electorally. While the PSOE has maintained its identity in the territorial model, ie identification of the type that makes the Constitution, the nationalists have been able to occupy its space without having to find new positions because theirs not anyone occupied .

The English territorial problem is compounded when, in certain areas, the Socialists have tried to fill the role of nationalists, which is also evident in Catalonia pospujolista.

Maragall and Montilla Both have sought to occupy the space corresponding to Convergence and Union and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya. The result has been predictable: when someone is takes its place, this one has no choice but to find another. And nationalists who, in Transition, accepted the autonomic system and the game of nations and regions have now been listed to more radical positions, because their space is confused with that of the Socialists, who are no longer defined by socialists, but by Catalans. The Nationalists have broken the Transition and now opt for the nation, the ability to decide and self-determination.

If the result of the operation of space occupation nationalist had a brilliant electoral result for the PSC, I would be against that strategy that blends socialism. But above, it seems that this political travesty is to provide an electoral advantage, as the nationalist electorate, given a choice between original and copy, no doubt, it is left with the original, while the socialist electorate puzzles and refrains.

So identity is lost and lose votes, not just where it confuses socialism with nationalism, but also in the rest of Spain, where the electorate is decanted into a right option in the belief that the PP better keep the unity of Spain. It would be nice to review the Declaration of Merida and Santillana agreements to know where we should move the socialists in this fiendish territorial conflict, it would be more bearable if each is devoted to his own.

Source: El País

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why Does Pmc3 Bubble?

I just finished the book Maximilien Rubel devoted to the Stalin figure , and I must say I found it interesting.

first thing that stands out is, as one of my professors of the faculty when it comes to the 30's, most of the European population take sides or fascism or communism , knowing Both options openly declared that upon taking office would plant totalitarian dictatorships. But also, in a case such as the Soviet Union, Communist parties across Europe were subjected to the guidelines justifying Stalinist regime and its systematic repression measures .

course, for me it went imcomprensible as a radical fighting stance against fascism, to justify the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with Nazi Germany , and after this attack the USSR to return to the original position. I mean, do not feel completely at the mercy of the hands of one man? Is it that had made the revolution against the Czar to have another Zar ?

course, is a book that suggests . The USSR won unprecedented rate of growth in the 30's, but at the cost of changing the exploitation of workers by capitalist entrepreneurs systematic exploitation organized by the State. The USSR grew to 20% of its population forced labor in harsh conditions that exhausted to death hundreds of workers a day. A country where the real control of the state secret police had , where you could just disappear by a simple complaint of an acquaintance.

When I finished reading, I could not help glad to live in the era I live . Our grandparents or our great grandparents lived in an era where everything was worth, where political murder, dictatorship, and war were standard state in half of Europe.