Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dancing Zulu Tango Sierra

clarification for Badajoz

Yesterday was a very important day for the socialist Badajoz. Celestino Vegas, the Secretary General of the group, was presented by the party to be the PSOE candidate for Mayor of Badajoz. was an act cheerful, almost festive, where all attendees could feel the game is a living force in this city.

said it clearly: "I'm here because I want to be here, others are forced." And it's true. Celestino attends because it is his will, because you truly believe in what he says, in the project that has to Badajoz and that this project is to benefit all Badajoz. Celestino

was not alone. He was accompanied by our President Guillermo Fernández Vara, Education Minister Ángel Gabilondo, and the provincial secretary of the PSOE in Badajoz Paco Fuentes.

Much has been made, and good project for the future. But a reality of that the Socialists did not flee, a reality disrupted by an economic crisis, but increasingly becomes a crisis of values \u200b\u200b. Celestino

A touch him fight with Miguel Celdran. Both reflect two sides of what should be a mayor. One is fresh, with projects and hope to achieve new goals. The other tired and discouraged, without prospects, without hope for anything. Judge you.

PD: Yo, I'm in Granada, I could follow the ceremony which was broadcast by the PSOE website live. Another example of how the game works by bringing the policy to all.


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